Well I made the original goal to move out of my parents place by the end of March. I started with the original intent to find a new job and move not only of the house but out of the city. Since I don’t really have any ties that locks me into my home town, I was looking a for a fresh new start.
My life has been in a funk lately. To bring those who don’t know me up to speed, let me explain a bit. Since i left college I never really ever had a direction with my life. I have have lived life with very little to no thoughts to the future. I have worked my share of dead-end jobs. To be honest a couple of those jobs were not bad it just wasn’t what I wanted to do the rest of my life. I thought I caught a break when I got my current job as a IT Administrator. I love what I do, but with some respect issues and personality issues towards me has me looking for different job. had a long distance girlfriend for some time and that seemed to give me some focus and direction. Unfortunately for what ever reasons that didn’t work out. The easiest way to describe the aftermath of all this would be a downward spiral but considering I wasn’t really going anywhere with my life anyway. The more accurate description is that I spun my wheels faster.
The world just seemed more chaotic than it normally does. The usual meditation routine that I was going through to keep my ADD in check seemed to lose its effectiveness. The double-edged sword that seems to live in everyone’s life seemed it appropriate to kick my freelance IT work into full throttle. Working the hours equivalent to two full-time jobs, although it didn’t help my stress levels, seemed to make the chaos worth something. I didn’t matter that the world was spinning as long as I kept moving. All trying to put some money away for this big move that I have built-in my head.
Life throws curve balls on a regular basis. It most always seems this curve ball comes only to mess up your plans almost proving that you are not in control of as much of your life as you tend to think. My observation say that more times than no that these curve balls are not pleasant experiences. Somehow in a twisted set of events the curve ball I was just thrown does not appear to be all that bad, at least on the surface.
The relationship between my boss and I could be best explained in one word, strained. I wont go in to the details of why this is but I stated earlier that it was moved from bad to worse. During this event he attempted to undermine a third-party project that we were both working on. In doing this I had the opportunity to talk to an Apple.Inc Engineer. During our conversation I received confirmation that the work I have been doing was indeed accurate and correct. I also received a direction for the first time in a while. I am taking the steps to get certified in the IT field. Since I left college the thought of me going back to school as always been a thought rattling around in my head like a ball bearing in an empty paint can..The money and logistics have never really let me follow that thought. This certification and the work experience I have will open doors in my field and help me with both goals of me moving which will help with me continuing my education.
Needless to say have ordered a book to study to help me get my first certification. I hope a learn a thing or two but it should be mostly review anyway. I have a plan of which certifications and which order I plan on getting them. The moment I hit the order button on Boarders.com for my first book, the entropy of the world seemed to lessen just a small amount. I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t mean much but the fact that it gave me an obtainable goal, a direction, and managed to reduced I tiny bit of the noise in my head.
With this I my new refined action plan is still blessing over monster.com and careerbuilder..com and get my certifications. With any luck I get a job in my field in a decent location where I don’t have to travel all that much. Now if I could only get my ex out of my head but that subject is for another post.
[Via http://mindmumble.wordpress.com]
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