I am in the process of revamping my resume, you know jazz it up a bit. Not because I know where I want to go, I just know that I don’t want to stay. Moral abuse and under-appreciation can be fun for so long. So I need to go somewhere where I learn something new, try something new and something that will allow me to be more creative. In a nutshell I just need to move on, but in order to do that I have to get interviews and to get interviews I have to have a resume that screams “Pick me, I’m Awesome!”
After several revisions, submissions and rejections, I decide to seek out professional help. Time to hit up the big guns and set up a meeting with one of the big bosses at my current job. Basically, I wanted to know how to make my resume better – “more desirable.” I handed over the 800th version of my resume and demanded to know “What’s wrong with me?”
After the boss finished aughing, she told me that I have to be more descriptive. She said to write a short paragraph under each job title because the title alone can mean very different things in different places. She said as an employer, I want to know what you know in plain english. She said things like “Coordinated information between x,y and z” tells her nothing. What does that mean? You coordinate what? How? You can’t assume that very employer will know what you are talking about.
I even asked her about my demeanor - did I need change something? What about face scares people? She told nothing (Thank goodness) but she went on to say the market is tough but I have to keep trying, stay confident and positive. I walked out of her office repeating some-sort of Bridget Jones manta like “I’m a confident, independent, positive and desirable business woman.”
Let’s hope her advice pays off or that I hit the lotto, whatever happens first.
P.S.: According to CNN at least soem people are getting jobs…http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2009/news/0912/gallery.class_of_2009_jobs/index.html
[Via http://dooverdiet.com]
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